Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen #
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Monografien #
- E. Zitzler. Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization: Methods and Applications. PhD thesis, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 1999.
Herausgegebene Konferenzbände #
- C. A. Coello Coello, A. Hernandez Aguirre, and E. Zitzler, editors. Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2005), volume 3242 of LNCS, Springer, Berlin, Deutschland, 2005.
- C. Fonseca, P. Fleming, E. Zitzler, K. Deb, and L. Thiele, editors. Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2003), volume 2632 of LNCS, Springer, Berlin, Deutschland, 2003.
- E. Zitzler, K. Deb, L. Thiele, C. A. Coello Coello, and D. Corne, editors. Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2001), volume 1993 of LNCS, Springer, Berlin, Deutschland, 2001.
Buchbeiträge #
- A. Auger, J. Bader, D. Brockhoff, and E. Zitzler. Theory of the Hypervolume Indicator: Optimal μ-Distributions and the Choice of the Reference Point. In Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA 2009), S. 87–102, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2009.
- E. Zitzler, J. Knowles, and L. Thiele. Quality Assessment of Pareto Set Approximations. In J. Branke, K. Deb, K. Miettinen, and R. Slowinski, editors, Multiobjective Optimization: Interactive and Evolutionary Approaches, S. 373–404. Springer, 2008.
- S. Bleuler, J. Bader, and E. Zitzler. Reducing Bloat in GP with Multiple Objectives. In J. Knowles, D. Corne, and K. Deb, editors, Multiobjective Problem Solving from Nature: From Concepts to Applications, S. 177–200. Springer, 2007.
- D. Brockhoff, D. K. Saxena, K. Deb, and E. Zitzler. On Handling a Large Number of Objectives A Posteriori and During Optimization. In J. Knowles, D. Corne, and K. Deb, editors, Multiobjective Problem Solving from Nature: From Concepts to Applications, S. 377–403. Springer, 2007.
- D. Schöner, S. Barkow, S. Bleuler, A. Wille, P. Zimmermann, P. Bühlmann, W. Gruissem, and E. Zitzler. Network Analysis of Systems Elements. In S. Baginsky and A. R. Fernie, editors, Plant Systems Biology, S. 331–351. Birkhäuser, Basel, Schweiz, 2007.
- S. Künzli, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Multi-criteria Decision Making in Embedded System Design. In B. M. Al-Hashimi, editor, System On Chip: Next Generation Electronics, S. 3–28. IEE Press, London, Grossbritannien, 2006.
- K. Deb, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns, and E. Zitzler. Scalable Test Problems for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization. In A. Abraham, R. Jain, and R. Goldberg, editors, Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: Theoretical Advances and Applications, chapter 6, S. 105–145. Springer, 2005.
- S. Künzli, S. Bleuler, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. A Computer Engineering Benchmark Application for Multiobjective Optimizers. In C. A. Coello Coello and G. Lamont, editors, Applications of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, S. 269–294. World Scientific Publishing, Singapur, 2004.
- E. Zitzler. Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization. In Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation, and Control (EUROGEN 2001), S. 19–26. CIMNE, 2002.
Peer-Reviewed Zeitschriftenartikel #
- D. Brockhoff, J. Bader, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Directed Multiobjective Optimization Based on the Hypervolume Indicator. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 20(5-6):291–317, 2013.
- J. Bader and E. Zitzler. HypE: An Algorithm for Fast Hypervolume-Based Many-Objective Optimization. Evolutionary Computation,19(1):45-76, 2011.
- E. Zitzler, L. Thiele, and J. Bader. On Set-Based Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(1): 58-79, 2010.
- T. Hohm and E. Zitzler. Multicellular Pattern Formation: Parameter Estimation for ODE-based Gene Regulatory Network Models. IEEE Eng Med Biol, 28(4):52–57, 2009.
- D. Brockhoff, T. Friedrich, N. Hebbinghaus, C. Klein, F. Neumann, and E. Zitzler. On the Effects of Adding Objectives to Plateau Functions. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(3):591–603, 2009.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. Objective Reduction in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: Theory and Applications. Evolutionary Computation, 17(2):135–166, 2009.
- T. Siegfried, S. Bleuler, M. Laumanns, E. Zitzler, and W. Kinzelbach. Multi-Objective Groundwater Management Using Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(2):229–242, 2009.
- S. Bleuler, P. Zimmermann, M. Friberg, and E. Zitzler. Discovering Trends in Gene Expression Data Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm. Algorithmic Operations Research, 3(2), 2008.
- M. Terzer, M. Jovanovic, A. Choutko, O. Nikolayeva, A. Korn, D. Brockhoff, F. Zürcher, M. Friedmann, R. Schütz, E. Zitzler, J. Stelling, and S. Panke. Design of a biological half adder. IET Synthetic Biology, 1(1–2):53–58, 2007.
- S. Barkow, S. Bleuler, A. Prelic, P. Zimmermann, and E. Zitzler. BicAT: a Biclustering Analysis Toolbox. Bioinformatics, 22(10):1282–1283, 2006.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. An Efficient, Adaptive Parameter Variation Scheme for Metaheuristics Based on the Epsilon-Constraint Method. European Journal of Operational Research, 169(3):932–942, März 2006.
- A. Prelic, S. Bleuler, P. Zimmermann, A. Wille, P. Bühlmann, W. Gruissem, L. Hennig, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. A Systematic Comparison and Evaluation of Biclustering Methods for Gene Expression Data. Bioinformatics, 22(9):1122–1129, 2006.
- M. Basseur and E. Zitzler. Handling Uncertainty in Indicator-Based Multiobjective Optimization. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, 2(3):255–272, 2006.
- A. Wille, P. Zimmermann, E. Vranova, A. Fürholz, O. Laule, S. Bleuler, L. Hennig, A. Prelic, P. von Rohr, L. Thiele, E. Zitzler, W. Gruissem, and P. Bühlmann. Sparse Graphical Gaussian Modeling of the Isoprenoid Gene Network in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genome Biol, 5(11):R92, 2004.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Running Time Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms on a Simplified Multiobjective Knapsack Problem. Natural Computing, 3(1):37–51, 2004.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Running Time Analysis of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms on Pseudo-Boolean Functions. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 8(2):170–182, 2004.
- N. K. Bambha, S. Bhattacharyya, J. Teich, and E. Zitzler. Systematic Integration of Parameterized Local Search into Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 8(2):137–155, 2004.
- R. Hubley, E. Zitzler, and J. Roach. Evolutionary algorithms for the selection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. BMC Bioinformatics, 4(30), 2003.
- E. Zitzler, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns, C. M. Fonseca, and V. Grunert da Fonseca. Performance Assessment of Multiobjective Optimizers: An Analysis and Review. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(2):117–132, 2003.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, K. Deb, and E. Zitzler. Combining Convergence and Diversity in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 10(3):263–282, 2002.
- E. Zitzler, J. Teich, and S. S. Bhattacharyya. Evolutionary Algorithms for the Synthesis of Embedded Software. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 8(4):452–456, 2000.
- E. Zitzler, K. Deb, and L. Thiele. Comparison of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: Empirical Results. Evolutionary Computation, 8(2):173–195, 2000.
- E. Zitzler, J. Teich, and S. S. Bhattacharyya. Multidimensional Exploration of Software Implementations for DSP Algorithms. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 24(1):83–98, 2000.
- M. Eisenring, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Conflicting Criteria in Embedded System Design. IEEE Design & Test, 17(2):51–59, 2000.
- E. Zitzler and L. Thiele. Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: A Comparative Case Study and the Strength Pareto Approach. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 3(4):257–271, 1999.
Peer-Reviewed Konferenzbeiträge #
- N. Steinbach, and E. Zitzler. Ein gamebasierter Ansatz zum Programmierunterricht in der Lehrerbildung. 17. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (INFOS 2017), Springer, Berlin, 2017.
- M. Hoffmann, M. Lehmann, F. Rothlauf, E. Zitzler. Konzeption eines handlungsorientierten Informatikunterrichts zum Thema Mashups. In Praxisband 14. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (INFOS 2011), Münster, Deutschland, 2011.
- T. Ulrich, J. Bader and E. Zitzler. Integrating Decision Space Diversity into Hypervolume-based Multiobjective Search, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2010), S. 455-462, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2010.
- J. Bader, K. Deb, and E. Zitzler. Faster Hypervolume-based Search using Monte Carlo Sampling. In M. Ehrgott et al., editors, Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2008), volume 634 of LNEMS, S. 313–326, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 2010.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. Automated Aggregation and Omission of Objectives to Handle Many-Objective Problems. In Conference on Multiple Objective and Goal Programming (MOPGP 2008), Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, S. 81–102. Springer, 2010.
- T. Hohm and E. Zitzler. A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Numerical Parameter Space Characterization of Reaction Diffusion Systems. In V. Kadirkamanathan et al., editors, International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2009), volume 5780 of LNBI, S. 162–174, Springer, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 2009.
- Auger, J. Bader, D. Brockhoff, and E. Zitzler. Articulating User Preferences in Many-Objective Problems by Sampling the Weighted Hypervolume. In G. Raidl et al., editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), S. 555–562, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2009.
- Auger, J. Bader, D. Brockhoff, and E. Zitzler. Investigating and Exploiting the Bias of the Weighted Hypervolume to Articulate User Preferences. In G. Raidl et al., editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), S. 563–570, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2009. ACM.
- T. Hohm and E. Zitzler. Multiobjectivization for parameter estimation: a case-study on the segment polarity network of drosophila. In F. Rothlauf et al., editors, GECCO ‘09: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), S. 209–216, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2009.
- J. Bader, D. Brockhoff, S. Welten, and E. Zitzler. On Using Populations of Sets in Multiobjective Optimization. In M. Ehrgott et al., editors, Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2009), volume 5467 of LNCS, S. 140–154. Springer, 2009.
- J. Bader and E. Zitzler. A Hypervolume-Based Optimizer for High-Dimensional Objective Spaces. In Conference on Multiple Objective and Goal Programming (MOPGP 2008), Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. Springer, 2009.
- E. Zitzler, L. Thiele, and J. Bader. SPAM: Set Preference Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. In G. Rudolph et al., editors, Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN X), volume 5199 of LNCS, S. 847–858. Springer, 2008.
- T. Ulrich, D. Brockhoff, and E. Zitzler. Pattern Identification in Pareto-Set Approximations. In M. Keijzer et al., editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2008), S. 737–744. ACM, 2008.
- T. Hohm, M. Egli, S. Gaehwiler, S. Bleuler, J. Feller, D. Frick, R. Huber, M. Karlsson, R. Lingenhag, T. Ruetimann, T. Sasse, T. Steiner, J. Stocker, and E. Zitzler. An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Block Stacking Problem. In N. MonMärzé et al., editors, Evolution Artificielle 2007, volume 4926 of LNCS, S. 111–122, Springer, Berlin, Deutschland, 2008.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. Improving Hypervolume-based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms by Using Objective Reduction Methods. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), S. 2086–2093. IEEE Press, 2007.
- D. Brockhoff, T. Friedrich, N. Hebbinghaus, C. Klein, F. Neumann, and E. Zitzler. Do Additional Objectives Make a Problem Harder?. In D. Thierens et al., editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007), S. 765–772, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM Press.
- S. Bleuler and E. Zitzler. Discrimination of Metabolic Flux Profiles Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007), S. 354–360, 2007.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. Dimensionality Reduction in Multiobjective Optimization: The Minimum Objective Subset Problem. In K. H. Waldmann and U. M. Stocker, editors, Operations Research Proceedings 2006, S. 423–429. Springer, 2007.
- T. Hohm and E. Zitzler. Modeling the Shoot Apical Meristem in A. thaliana: Parameter Estimation for Spatial Pattern Formation. In Elena Märziori, Jason H. Moore, and Jagath C. Rajapakse, editors, Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (evoBIO 2007), volume 4447 of LNCS, S. 102–113. Springer, 2007.
- E. Zitzler, D. Brockhoff, and L. Thiele. The Hypervolume Indicator Revisited: On the Design of Pareto-compliant Indicators Via Weighted Integration. In S. Obayashi et al., editors, Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2007), volume 4403 of LNCS, S. 862–876, Berlin, 2007. Springer.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. Are All Objectives Necessary? On Dimensionality Reduction in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. In T. P. Runarsson et al., editors, Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN IX), volume 4193 of LNCS, S. 533–542, Springer, Berlin, Deutschland, 2006.
- M. Calonder, S. Bleuler, and E. Zitzler. Module Identification from Heterogeneous Biological Data Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms. In T. P. Runarsson et al., editors, Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN IX), volume 4193 of LNCS, S. 573–582. Springer, 2006.
- M. Basseur and E. Zitzler. A Preliminary Study On Handling Uncertainty in Multiobjective Optimization. In F. Rothlauf, J. Branke, S. Cagnoni, et al., editors, European Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms in Stochastic and Noisy Environments (EvoSTOC 2006), volume 3907 of LNCS, S. 727–739. Springer, 2006.
- H.-G. Beyer, U.-M. O’Reilly, D. V. Arnold, W. Banzhaf, C. Blum, E. W. Bonabeau, E. Cantu-Paz, D. Dasgupta, K. Deb, J. A. Foster, E. D. de Jong, H. Lipson, X. Llora, S. Mancoridis, M. Pelikan, G. R. Raidl, T. Soule, A. M. Tyrrell, J.-P. Watson, and E. Zitzler, editors. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005), ACM, New York, NY, 2005.
- S. Künzli, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Modular Design Space Exploration Framework for Embedded Systems. IEE Proceedings Computers and Digital Techniques, 152(2):183–192, 2005.
- S. Bleuler and E. Zitzler. Order Preserving Clustering over Multiple Time Course Experiments. In EvoWorkshops 2005, volume 3449 of LNCS, S. 33–43. Springer, 2005.
- E. Zitzler and S. Künzli. Indicator-Based Selection in Multiobjective Search. In X. Yao et al., editors, Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN VIII), volume 3242 of LNCS, S. 832–842. Springer, 2004.
- S. Bleuler, A. Prelic, and E. Zitzler. An EA Framework for Biclustering of Gene Expression Data. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2004), S. 166–173, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2004.
- E. Zitzler, M. Laumanns, and S. Bleuler. A Tutorial on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. In X. Gandibleux et al., editors, Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation, volume 535 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. Springer, 2004.
- S. Bleuler, M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. PISA—A Platform and Programming Language Independent Interface for Search Algorithms. In C. M. Fonseca et al., editors, Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2003), volume 2632 of LNCS, S. 494–508, Springer, Berlin, 2003.
- R. Hubley, E. Zitzler, A. Siegel, and J. Roach. Multiobjective Genetic Marker Selection. In Advances in Nature-Inspired Computation: The PPSN VII Workshops, S. 32–33, University of Reading, Grossbritannien, September 2002.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, E. Zitzler, E. Welzl, and K. Deb. Running Time Analysis of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms on a Simple Discrete Optimization Problem. In Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN VII), volume 2439 of LNCS, S. 44–53. Springer, 2002.
- K. Deb, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns, and E. Zitzler. Scalable Multi-Objective Optimization Test Problems. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2002), S. 825–830. IEEE Press, 2002.
- E. Zitzler, M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, C. M. Fonseca, and V. Grunert da Fonseca. Why Quality Assessment Of Multiobjective Optimizers Is Difficult. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2002), S. 666–674, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, New York, NY, USA, Juli 2002.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, K. Deb, and E. Zitzler. Archiving with Guaranteed Convergence And Diversity in Multi-objective Optimization. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2002), S. 439–447, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, New York, NY, USA, Juli 2002.
- E. Zitzler, M. Laumanns, and L. Thiele. SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. In K.C. Giannakoglou et al., editors, Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control with Application to Industrial Problems (EUROGEN 2001), S. 95–100. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2002.
- M. Laumanns, E. Zitzler, and L. Thiele. Multiple Criteria Decision Support by Evolutionary Computation. In Sustainability in the Information Society. 15th International Symposium Informatics for Environmental Protection, S. 547–552, Metropolis Verlag, Zürich, Schweiz, Oktober 2001.
- S. Bleuler, M. Brack, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Multiobjective Genetic Programming: Reducing Bloat by Using SPEA2. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2001), S. 536–543, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2001.
- N. K. Bambha, S. Bhattacharyya, J. Teich, and E. Zitzler. Hybrid Search Strategies for Dynamic Voltage Scaling in Embedded Multiprocessors. In Symposium on Hardware/Software Codesign, S. 243—-248, Copenhagen, Dänemark, April 2001.
- M. Laumanns, E. Zitzler, and L. Thiele. On The Effects of Archiving, Elitism, and Density Based Selection in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization. In E. Zitzler et al., editors, Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2001), volume 1993 of LNCS, S. 181–196. Springer, 2001.
- M. Laumanns, E. Zitzler, and L. Thiele. A Unified Model for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with Elitism. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2000), S. 46–53. IEEE Press, 2000.
- E. Zitzler, J. Teich, and S. Bhattacharyya. Optimizing the Efficiency of Parameterized Local Search within Global Search: A Preliminary Study. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2000), S. 365–372. IEEE, Juli 2000.
- E. Zitzler, J. Teich, and S. Bhattacharyya. Evolutionary Algorithm Based Exploration of Software Schedules for Digital Signal Processors. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 1999), S. 1762–1769, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, USA, Juli 1999.
- E. Zitzler, K. Deb, and L. Thiele. Comparison of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms on Test Functions of Different Difficulty. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 1999): Bird-of-a-feather Workshop on Multi-criterion Optimization, Juli 1999.
- J. Teich, E. Zitzler, and S. Bhattacharyya. 3D Exploration of Software Schedules for DSP Algorithms. In Hardware/Software Codesign (CODES 1999), Mai 1999.
- J. Teich, E. Zitzler, and S. Bhattacharyya. Optimized Software Synthesis for Digital Signal Processing Algorithms: An Evolutionary Approach. In IEEE Workshop on SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS (SiPS), Oktober 1998.
- J. Teich, E. Zitzler, and S. Bhattacharyya. Buffer Memory Optimization in DSP Applications: An Evolutionary Approach. In Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN V), S. 885–894, Amsterdam, September 1998.
- E. Zitzler and L. Thiele. Multiobjective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms - A Comparative Case Study. In Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN V), S. 292–301, Amsterdam, 1998.
Sonstige #
- M. Beck, R. Christen, M. Longhitano, N. Ruh, L. Schalk, M. B. F. Uhr, M. B. F., and E. Zitzler, E. «Können Sie mich hören?» Ein Leitfaden mit Anregungen für die synchrone Online-Lehre an Hochschulen. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10025411, Oktober 2023.
- E. Zitzler, R. Hüsler, S. Hauser, and U. Sury. Organisationsentwicklung am Departement Informatik der Hochschule Luzern. Technischer Bericht Nr. 6, Hochschule Luzern Informatik, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7803555, April 2023.
- J. Bader and E. Zitzler. Robustness in Hypervolume-based Multiobjective Search. TIK Report 317, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, 2010.
- E. Zitzler, L. Thiele, and J. Bader. On Set-Based Multiobjective Optimization (Revised Version). TIK Report 300, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Dezember 2008.
- J. Bader and E. Zitzler. HypE: An Algorithm for Fast Hypervolume-Based Many-Objective Optimization. TIK Report 286, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, November 2008.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. Offline and Online Objective Reduction in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Based on Objective Conflicts. TIK Report 269, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, April 2007.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. Dimensionality Reduction in Multiobjective Optimization with (Partial) Dominance Structure Preservation: Generalized Minimum Objective Subset Problems. TIK Report 247, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, April 2006.
- J. Knowles, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. A Tutorial on the Performance Assessment of Stochastic Multiobjective Optimizers. TIK Report 214, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Februar 2006.
- D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler. On Objective Conflicts and Objective Reduction in Multiple Criteria Optimization. TIK Report 243, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Februar 2006.
- A. Prelic, S. Bleuler, P. Zimmermann, A. Wille, P. Bühlmann, W. Gruissem, L. Hennig, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Comparison of Biclustering Methods: A Systematic Comparison and Evaluation of Biclustering Methods for Gene Expression Data. TIK Report 227, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Februar 2006.
- S. Bleuler, P. Zimmermann, M. Friberg, A. Wille, S. Barkow, D. Brockhoff, D. Schöner, L. Hennig, P. Bühlmann, W. Gruissem, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Cluster Analysis of Multiple Time Course Data Sets. TIK Report 241, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, 2006.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. Running Time Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms on Vector-Valued Pseudo-Boolean Functions. TIK Report 165, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Mai 2003.
- E. Zitzler, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns, C. M. Fonseca, and V. Grunert da Fonseca. Performance Assessment of Multiobjective Optimizers: An Analysis and Review. TIK Report 139, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Juni 2002.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, E. Zitzler, E. Welzl, and K. Deb. Running Time Analysis of a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm on a Simple Discrete Optimization Problem. TIK Report 123, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Januar 2002.
- S. Bleuler, M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. PISA — A Platform and Programming Language Independent Interface for Search Algorithms. TIK Report 154, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Oktober 2002.
- K. Deb, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns, and E. Zitzler. Scalable Test Problems for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization. TIK Report 112, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Juli 2001.
- M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, K. Deb, and E. Zitzler. On the Convergence and Diversity-Preservation Properties of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. TIK Report 108, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, 2001.
- E. Zitzler, M. Laumanns, and L. Thiele. SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm. TIK Report 103, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz, 2001.
- E. Zitzler, K. Deb, and L. Thiele. Comparison of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: Empirical Results (Revised Version). TIK Report 70, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Dezember 1999.
- M. Eisenring, E. Zitzler, and L. Thiele. CoFrame: A Modular Co-Design Framework for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems. TIK Report 81, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Oktober 1999.
- E. Zitzler, J. Teich, and S. Bhattacharyya. Optimized Software Synthesis for DSP Using Randomization Techniques (Revised Version of TIK Report 32). TIK Report 75, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Juli 1999.
- J. Teich, E. Zitzler, and S. Bhattacharyya. 3D Exploration of Uniprocessor Schedules for DSP Algorithms. TIK Report 56, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, April 1999.
- E. Zitzler and L. Thiele. An Evolutionary Approach for Multiobjective Optimization: The Strength Pareto Approach. TIK Report 43, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Mai 1998.
- J. Teich, E. Zitzler, and S. Bhattacharyya. Optimized Software Synthesis for Digital Signal Processing Algorithms - An Evolutionary Approach. TIK Report 32, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Januar 1998.
- G. Fankhauser, C. Conrad, E. Zitzler, and B. Plattner. Topsy - A Teachable Operating System. TIK Report, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zürich, Januar 1997.